Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Roland in Sweden

I am now officially the leader of all Paladins of the world. Roland the great! How I long to get my two hands on that little twat – David Rice. I am in and out of the tower and I recently got a message from the there that David is in Sweden? What in the world is he doing in Sweden? Is that his new hiding spot? Because, it’s not working…mwahahaha! How stupid can he get? He can run but he can’t hide.

Now I have to fly to Sweden and I must remember to take my trusty Pulverizer 2000 with me. Last time I saw him, I tried the Pulverizer on him but the Pulverizer was faulty – which then caused him to teleport. Furious at the so called new and improved instrument, I returned to the tower to get it fixed.

Anyways, I must pack my bags immediately-on second thought maybe not. I’ll just leave without returning home for anything, this will be a surprise visit for David. I can’t wait to see the look on his face when he finds out that I’m in the same country as he is.

Fourteen hours long of non- stop flight and my butt is numb; I can barely tell that I have one. It’s about freakin’ time I got out of that aeroplane! How can they do that? This plane must have a large tank to carry so much petrol to get here. And the search for David begins – but, maybe I’ll wait for the next day when the markets are on and maybe then I could by some black hair dye to disguise myself, I’m standing out a bit too much so I’ll just look for a good motel that won’t blow my cover.

What uncomfortable beds they have! It’s better than nothing but this will help me get up and running before he, (David) knows it. I want to see how the Pulverizer goes. I tried it on a random person who is not a Jumper last time I was in Japan and it almost killed him, so that was a good result. Now I want to see how it’ll destroy the leader of Jumpers once and for all. I am way over excited about this, I can’t wait! But I must be patient – that’s my trick. To make David think that I have lost track of him and then pounce on him like a cat and mouse game. How I love to picture my plans in my mind, just hope that it all works out. For now, it’s time to rest for energy. I lay down on my hard rock bed, thinking of the past and how it has been so busy that I haven’t had a proper rest. How I can’t have a family because it’ll be too dangerous for them and I don’t want them to be moving around because of me and the job that I have. I just noticed that I have an upside and a downside to my job. But I love the upside. The downside won’t be as bad just as long as I don’t dwell on it too much.

(The very next day…)

The markets are on, I wonder if they even sell dye so I can go in disguise, I stand out so much that my hair is not an everyday colour that I see around here. I have to also get the traditional everyday clothing they wear, or maybe I’ll just buy some used clothing off a trader in the markets so I can blend in well. This will be fun. The tower just informed me about David and his whereabouts; he’s staying with a head chef of a restaurant and works for him as a supervisor to the other chefs. What a good disguise, I wonder if the owner of the restaurant knows whether or not he knows that David is a jumper, whether the owner of the restaurant knows what he’s going to get into much more trouble that David is going to get into.

The Hills, I have to look for the Hills. I’m in the middle of nowhere in Sweden’s town. I don’t even speak Swiss! How am I going to get around? This is frustrating. If only I had a gift of being able to speak foreign language in whatever country I may be in. The tower! Yes! The tower. I’ll contact the tower to find a Paladin. There are Paladins all over the world just in case the Jumpers may turn up out of nowhere (which they are good at) and destroy them – if they can. I don’t think the Pulverizer 2000 has even reached this country. I know for sure that it exists in Australia, Germany, France, India and a couple more, but now Sweden. This will be interesting. That’s my next task. To introduce to them what the Pulverizer 2000 does and its functions. I have to show them the wonderful gold plaited wires that come flying out in the touch of a button, the wires that captures the Jumpers and paralyzes them fully and not allowing them to teleport.

Yes! They found one. His name is Henri. Okay, that's easy. Now where does he live? Brauerewieg Street. Okay, I think I’ll write this down and catch a cab to get there.
Brauereiweg Steet? I ask the driver and he gives a nod as he accelerates. If only I knew this place well, I would have hijacked a car by now and looking for this Henri myself. How am I going to pay for this cab? I’ll give him a taste of the Pulverizer 2000 – maybe not, that’s too cruel. I’ll just ask Henri to pay for it. We’re on the street now, I have to look for number sixty six. Wow! He has a mansion in the middle of nowhere. The houses around here are don’t even look half as big as Henri’s. We’re at the front gate and I don’t even know how his intercom works. The drivers got it. Good, I can’t wait to meet this Henri man.

As I enter the mansion of his he starts to explain where the mountains that David could be going for daily meditations. So, if Henri knows where Henri is, why doesn’t he capture him (David) himself? But then again they weren’t introduced to the Pulverizer yet, so I can’t blame him after all. The way that Henri explains the mountains is so complicated that this is going to be a mission.

After our long talk, I asked him if he could lend me some clothing that could disguise me and help me to blend in with the rest of the street people, because they seem to be turning their heads every time I pass by. Henri leads me to a room the size of my apartment and lays out clothes before me on the large king sized bed, hands me some dye and a towel then points out the door to the bedroom ensuite and leaves the room silently and closes the door behind him. This is fantastic. I can now blend in with the other streets people. Now I really can’t wait to see the look on David’s face.


Albie said...

Hi Annie,

OMG! I didn’t know that Mr Roland the Great ever had a sense of humour! “Fourteen hours long of non-stop flight and my but is numb” shows that he is actually made of human flesh and blood, not just an obsessive crazy Jumpers hunter with the ridiculously hideous bleached platinum blonde hair! And what’s more, Roland’s gong to dye his hair black? You’re really turning into Crusty the Clown from the Simpsons; he’s not evil anymore???
Sweden? Who would have thought our Jumper film is honestly going global! This new Paladin, Henri, he sounds like a mysterious character, would like to know a bit more about him when your story develops further down the track. And I can’t wait to read the scene when Roland (now with dyed black hair!) meets David! And who knows what this Henri guy has under his sleeves against the Jumpers, how exciting!

I have to say, Annie, it was a very different version of the Roland that I thought I knew but it still shows the evil side of him like plotting of not paying the poor taxi driver but giving him a taste of the Pulverizer 2000, what an old devil our Roland is!!!

Greta job girlfriend!

Alby ^_^

Voluspa said...

Hi Annie

I have to agree with Alby on that one, didnt know that dark night had humour at all. ahahah Hey on the second to last Paragraph you said "if Henri knows where Henri is" do you mean if Henri knows where David is? ahahahaha algood i still got it any way. I like how you tell from a first person prospective. Its almost like his writing his thoughts down in a journal. Your constantly giving everything in detail which is quite good. I like your taste. Looks like creative writing is starting to kick in ahahahaaha. By the way, are we gonna learn more about the Henri guy? His quite interesting even though theres not much said about him but still I can see a lot of chapters about him…

annie said...

Hey Alby!

Thanks for the feedback, yeah Roland has a sense of humour...a pretty dark one as well. Well he has to dye his hair black so that they don't talk about him in the streets, before David overhears about it somewhere, so undercover is the best way to go. Even if this means sacrificing the hideous bleached hydrogen peroxide hair of his. HAHA. Henri is the mysterious one. He'll reveal something but I don't know how soon though.

Our Jumper film went global because Bessie is making us go global.

There is always another side to every person right? Roland is revealing his one slowly.

Akash Sandhu said...

Hahaha...sorry im late guys...I was shocked to read when Roland finally decided to dye his hair..I think thats a better start for this new beginning..that white hair really annoyed me..although I cant imagine Roland in black hair...that white hair some how gave him character and made him look extremely evil!!...And yeah about what Albert said about Henri..Henri seems like a Paladin that could really go far without Roland's help...very mysterious indeed haha..and definately liked the "my but is numb" part!

Good job Annie, I like how you made Roland sound funny!

Albie said...
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Albie said...

Hi Annie & Akash,

I’m so excited to learn that you (Annie) will develop more on the new Paladin, Henri (background, intention and or his hidden talent…). And to our villain, Mr. Roland, is finally coming out of his shell and shows some humour in his part and Au revoir to the hideous platinum hair! Aren’t you delighted about that Akash? hehe ;p;p;p


Alby ^_^

Akash Sandhu said...

Hey Albert,

Yeah I'm really relieved about Roland dying his hair black. I have to say Ane you definitely made a good decision about that!:)

I honestly would like to see how far our jumper story would go, it's getting more interesting and creative.